Our Construction Is Finally Happening!! (Cont..)

These pictures were taken on 8/17/99!!...

Well they finally started filling our hole with a basement. As you'll see in the pictures below they started blocking our basement. The product they're using is one that is new to this area in basement construction. It's a block made of wood-chips that are bonded together with cement to basically form a durable flexable 'form' which stays in place after it's filled with concrete. They also add rebar to the center of the 'form blocks' to add extra strength. I have 2 pictures of the product they used below. First the straight peices..

Here's the corner peices..

and below is the maker of this product, Durisol, you can click the picture below with the product's name on it to visit the companies site and find out information on the product.



Here's some shots of the general layout of the basement, this is just the layout, they haven't filled these forms with concrete or rebar yet! That should happen within the next couple of days!


Click here for more layout pictures



Page last updated on 8/17/1999

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