Our Construction Is Finally Happening!! (Cont..)


Pictures taken on 03/12/2000:

Here's the wiring I installed for the telephones, cable TV, computer network, stereo surround sound, etc...!!

I think you can see the little blue boxes on the far left and far right walls.  They're mounted up high for the surround sound!  There's 2 more behind the camera for a complete effect!

Below is a main box for the entertainment center complete with telephone, cable tv, computer network and wires that go to the surround sound speakers.

below is just a standard phone, computer network and cable tv box I installed.

See the white pipe sticking up through the floor?  That is a 2 inch PVC pipe I ran from the garage attic to the basement, that way if I ever need to run wires from anywhere else in the house to the basement, I'll just run them through right down without having to drill any holes :o)  I can thank my uncle for that little peice of advice. 



They finally started dry-walling!


Page last updated on 04/24/2000

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