Our Construction Is Finally Happening!! (Cont..)


Pictures taken on 05/09/2000:

We caught the builder cutting corners again!!  Yesterday my wife drove by the house to find the guys started putting up the siding WITHOUT replacing the vapor barrier that the wind had blown down.  She made them stop and we complained.  I heard back today, that the siding guys were going to replace the vapor barrier before they put up the rest of the siding.  Unfortunately, by the time I got there all the siding was up, so your guess is as good as mine as to whether they really replaced the vapor barrier or if they just said they did.  Bastards! 

On a positive note, I tell ya what, my wife did a GREAT job picking out the colors for the roof, trim, brick, siding, and windows!!  My color blindness was no help when it came time to pick the colors!!  GREAT JOB BABE!!

They've installed the cabinets!!


Page last updated on 05/09/2000

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