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Here's some of the sites where I spend a lot of my time!

Downloads or Tucows? - These 2 sites are sites where you can download TONS of Shareware and Freeware, check them out!!

Like Southpark? - Here's a cool link if you like 'SouthPark' from comedy central. Give their 'SouthPark' games a try, they are hilarious! Check it out!

How Does FREE Internet Sound? - How much are you paying for your internet monthly? Paying $10 to $20 a month? Well that's too much. I strongly advise you check out NetZero. It's totally free, unlimitied internet service and comes with an e-mail account. You ask, what's the catch? Well I'll tell you. An ad window runs on your screen while you're connected to the internet, that's the catch. Not a bad deal if you want internet for free. The ad window is approximately this big after you set it to not show the title and button bars:


So if you think you can live with a box about this big flashing ads at you while you're on the internet, then go to their site and download the software (link underlined in yellow above). You don't have to cancel your existing service to try this out. Download it, install it and see if you can live with it. If not, then keep paying for your current service, if so, then you're $10 to $20 richer every month. FYI: When you sign on it will make you fill out a questionaire of about 100 questions or so, this is so they know what kind of ads might appeal to you. Give it a shot, it can't hurt, that's for sure. Can you minimize the ad window you ask? Well I've tried everything I could think of to hide it, and I was unsuccessful. To be honest with you, it really doesn't bother me so I just leave it up.

Microsoft's Gaming Zone - This is the site where I spend quite a bit of time playing 'Rainbow Six' on the web, in a multiplayer environment. This pretty cool being able to play against people from all over the world!


Vzones Avatar Communities - This is the site where me and my wife go to have a little fun together, it's a virtual community where you get an avatar (computer character) and interact and play games with others. Some games include (bingo, dressup, ghost-racing, trivia, and acromania just to name a few. The world my wife and I are members of is called 'DreamScape'. You earn tokens for spending time logged in (60 tokens per hour), you rent an apartment called a 'turf' buy things to decorate and trade, color your clothes and buy different bodies or heads to match whatever online personality you want to be. It's great fun for adults and is also said to be a great place for kids to learn about money,social skills, and responsibilities! It's loads of fun, I highly recommend it. But if you are going to let your children in, please watch them play, there may be a few bad apples lurking about that may slip up using bad language or something, but overall it is a great place to spend time!

My wife's VZones Dreamscape Page - this is the page my wife created for her VZones Dreamscape avatar (Sadi). Some of the links are messed up, but none-the-less, the majority of them work!

Michigan Meet May '99 - every once and a while the people from the Wordsaway community get together in real life to party and have some fun away from the computer!


My Webpage that I have with my ISP - This is not a real website, it's just a place to stick small links and stuff that I don't want to have on my real home page!

Pricewatch - This is the place where I get all my computer hardware I purchase on-line, most of the deals are outstanding, and I haven't been dissatisfied with a purchase as of yet (not to say I won't in the future). But up till now, I've been quite happy shopping here!

Looking for a Driver? - Try if you looking for a driver for something, they have tons here! This site requires that you join their club, but it doesn't cost anything. I've joined and to be honest with you, I almost forgot I was a member because I never get e-mails or anything from them. I suppose I could've ended up on somekinda mailing list, but oh well, like I don't already get a million telemarketers and junkmail crap. What's one more. hahaha

Wanna ask a question about a driver? - This might be helpful if you're looking for a driver or need to ask help of others who may have already lived your current nightmare, whatever it may be. This forum is usefull for getting answers on all different types of hardware issues. Here you can post a question and if you leave a valid e-mail address, the people who use these forums, may respond and hopefully help you out!

Want to get on ICQ? - Here's a link to the ICQ home page, at the top is an option to download ICQ. Click it and follow the instructions. For those of you that are not familiar with ICQ, it's a small window that runs on your desktop. When you or anyone else joins, you are assigned a unique number. You can add anyone who's a user of the ICQ software to your contact list by obtaining their ICQ unique number from them. Once you have added people to your list, ie friends and relatives, you can send instant messages, have chat sessions, transfer files, send links to web sites, etc.. with any one or more people on your list. I love the thing. If you're interested the link is underlined in yellow and this is a totally free service!

Like to play on-line games? - Like to play online games like trivia, hangman/wheel-of-fortune type games, or many others against others on the web? Well here's a site that I just recently started visiting, and I like it. I play their hangman/wheel-of-fortune type game where you guess letters and have to solve the phrase. The cool thing is while you play you earn prize passes, each prize pass is like a entry in a drawing, every hour they draw a name, and if they draw yours, they mail you a check for $5. Now I know $5 ain't no big deal, but why play for nothing at other sites when you can play and take a chance of getting paid to play here.This site requires registration but it is FREE.

More games! - This is another games site that has games like Euchre, Bridge, Gin, Crib, Checkers, Hearts, Spades, etc... that you can play online against other people interactively. Now I haven't been there in a while, and as far as I know it's FREE, it just requires that you register like anything else.

Looking for a free visitor counter for your webpage? - There are many sites out there but here's one. It's pretty cool, I especially like all the statistics they give you on hit's per hour and min/max hits and that sort of stuff.

Do you like Unsolved Mysteries? - I love that show, I am quite dissappointed that it's not on that much anymore. But I found their site and it's quite good. If you like the show, I recommend you check out the site. The stories are submitted by people, not the show (at least that's the impression I get). Are the stories real or made up? I don't know, but they sure are good, enough to give you chills. Check it out!!


More links to come!!!

Page last updated on 8/19/1999

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